Theme Name: SoulVision
Theme URI:
Description: Designed by using the ThemeDreamer extension for WordPress themes.
Version: 1.0
Author: JustDreamweaver
Author URI:
Wordpress Theme
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Blogger Template
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How can i configure date format? It´s shows undefined one. Ty
after login, goto Layout > Page Elements > edit Blog Posts > change time format to long date (e.g Tuesday, May 19, 2009) > Save.
Remember change time format NOT date format.
Nice theme, Thank you very much
Thanks for the answer I was having the same problem!
Thanks ! nice theme
Thanks...This is an awesome layout!
how can i add read more in this template
i have the same question "how can i add read more in this template?"
how can i do every entry has their own pivate page?
For your answer! thanks!!
how to add recent comments? The one provided in blogger was written in black..if any how could i change the font color?
nice theme, thank you!
Nice Theme....
Awesome theme. Is there an easy way to change the links at the very top?
what am I doing wrong that I can't remove the "meta" box on the right tool bar and edit the "about" box?
happily using this theme for the last few months!
i would love to know how to add a "drop down menu" to the page links at the top of the theme...i've created parent/child pages but they only show up under "pages" in the side bar.
please, can anyone tell me how to do this?
How could I change the theme to inlude buttons to twitter and the end of the comments?
Other issue: This theme is having problems with the captcha validation. ow to fix it?