Theme Name: Arras
Theme URI:
Description: A sophisticated, yet simple and clean WordPress theme for magazine/news blogs. Homepage comes with a featured slideshow and 3 featured post areas with 4 different customisable layouts. Comes with in one, two and three column layouts and 7 different alternate styles. WordPress 3.0-ready with two menu locations, custom post types and custom taxonomies support. Child theme ready with numerous action and filter hooks available for use. Community support available at theme forums.
Author: Melvin Lee
Author URI:
Tags: blue,brown,green,orange,purple,red,white,light,two-columns,three-columns,left-sidebar,right-sidebar,fixed-width,theme-options,threaded-comments,sticky-post,microformats,translation-ready,custom-menu,rtl-language-support
License: GNU General Public License, v2
License URI:
Blogger Template
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This is the wonderful theme for blogger. It looks really attractive and I would like to use it for my website. I look forward more themes from you. Thanks for sharing it.
I'm a begginer in blogging and was looking for some attractive theme when stumble upon your post. You agve me a great option.