Theme Name: Vina
Theme URI: http://wpgpl.com/themes/vina/
Description: Vina is Another Grid Based Layout, Magazine Stle, Shadow Effect, Auto Grabbed Image and many more
Version: 1.3
Author: Nurudin Jauhari
Author URI: http://wpgpl.com/
Tags: fixed-width, black, green,custom-header
Crafted on 24 June 2009
Last Edit: 11 July 2009 12.11 +7 GMT
This theme was designed and built by Nurudin Jauhari
The CSS, XHTML and design is released under GPL:
Blogger Template
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Thanks for sharing this nice theme i used it for my blog too.
Excellent theme. I love this and would like to use it for my blog. Thanks for sharing it. joomla development