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Grid Focus

Theme Name: Grid Focus
Theme URI:
Description: Grid aligned WordPress theme
Version: 1.1
Author: Derek Punsalan
Author URI:
Tags: white, grid, whitespace, minimal, clean, widgets

Wordpress Theme
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Blogger Template
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Comments (9)

This is already released on! Please put up another one. :)

this is new version of grid focus. different from

Just looked again and this is different. Thanks for updating.

Congratulations for your work !

I know, guy like me are legion here on internet... Legion of dummies ... Guys who don't know enough css/html language to realise there dream template.

My dream is very simple:

1.- Build a unique template where I can publish my podcasts.
2.- The template will look like an internet radio with my special background-image Noxon iRadio Terratec
3.- The structure of the template will be a 3 columns and using this image as background:
4.- The template structure of 3 columns can be a clone of the Fervens C structure with this nice orange buttons-links:
5.- The alignment of the columns: The 1st column come on the speaker, the 2° column come on the small blu screen and the 3° can come out of the background-image at the right.

I have this dream to do such template but for me it's only possible to have the idee and not the possiblity to realise it.

Are u interesting to help me? Do you have some dream like this to realise a special podcast template?

What can i do to have such template ?

Thanks to consider my question.

A simple guy from the legion
... of dummies living in internet ;-)

i can create custom blogger template for $30. if u interested, plz contact me

one observation:

I didn't see this image on the blogspot version:

Is there any possibility to customize the menu that is opened by clicking in "BROWSE by topic" link... I want to show there just two labels of my blog. I work in Blogger.

i'm trying with an image instead of the title in the header, but when I load it in blogger it shows a border... how can I eliminate that border?

is there a way to get the post pages to not show the labels and archive column? this layout is PERFECT, i just want the posts to show fully instead of still in the fixed width. if someone could help me, it'd be AWESOME. thanks =]